Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Strategic Planning: Act Now and Jumpstart Business in 2019

If you expect to jumpstart business in the new year, you have the next three weeks, period, to plan and strategize.

But it’s barely November, you’re thinking; there’s plenty of time for strategic planning. Right? Wrong.

In 21 days we will be knee-deep in Thanksgiving festivities. Depending on your traditions, this may mean massive grocery shopping, defrosting a turkey, a whirlwind house cleaning, fall decorations, the big dinner itself, cleaning once again, and the start of serious shopping, with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

Then, December and party season strike, with gatherings of your business associates, co-workers, vendors, clients, distant relatives, neighbors, friends and probably even some people you don’t know very well. There are kids’ recitals and pageants, special concerts and television specials. And more shopping, wrapping and decorating.

This flurry of activity flows seamlessly into Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and after Christmas sales, followed by New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day with its football extravaganzas, more parties and more food.

Before you blink, it’s mid-January or possibly almost Valentine’s Day, and you’re scrambling to set a strategic plan, which you probably won’t be able to launch until March at the earliest. And one sixth to one quarter of the year has been lost.

Don’t be left behind.

Set aside time now, to think and plan. You may believe you can’t spare the time, but indeed, this brief window is your best opportunity.

7 Steps to Jumpstart Business in 2019:

  • Start now. You don’t have time to procrastinate.
  • Review the past year. What has worked well? What was a disappointment? Take an inventory of wins and losses.
  • Consider trends. What has changed, and what changes do you foresee for the future? What can you do to take advantage of these?
  • Set goals. What exactly do you want to accomplish in the new year? Know where you want to be at this time, next year.
  • What are your assets? What can you use to reach your goals? What else do you need? How will you acquire the things you need?
  • Set specific tasks which will take you from where you are to where you want to be. Set deadlines, and make a commitment to meeting them.
  • Take action. You don’t have to wait until January; anything you do now will put you further ahead of the game!

Take a deep breath, focus, and set your sights on your 2019 goals. Get ahead of the competition. Make your plans, set strategies and tasks, and move to jumpstart business on January 2nd!


Westchester Networking for Professionals (WNFP) is a business organization focused on providing our members and guests with an extraordinary networking experience, bringing business professionals together for the sole purpose of generating new relationships and developing new business opportunities. Not a member, learn how you can become a member and join this awesome group of professionals to connect and grow your business.

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